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![]() Artix | October 05, 2012Next Week: 10th Anniversary!A special event across ALL our gamesWhen did you first start playing AE games? How long have you been playing? How is it possible that we will have been creating weekly releases together for 10 years next week? 10 YEARS!?!?!? We need to do something special. Not just special, we need to do something bigger and crazier than we have ever tried before. We need to do a new "1st!" you are hereby invited as a VIP guest, October 12th @ 6pm EST for a special event that will take place not just here in MechQuest... but in ALL 6 of our major games! (Next Friday!)![]() Tags: |
![]() Maegwyn | October 02, 2012Answers from Practel and Poetry From GibbyStar Date 2 October 3012:Practel Answers More Questions!
Hiya guys! First off - it's like
10:30PM, and I'm pretty burnt out from lack of sleep, but the Design
Notes must go on! So here's some questions!
CardClasher_99 asks: Why is human blood red?
Why isn't it blue?
Sqwall asks: Does your nick name suggests that you are a
practical person? (you know Practel/Practical kinda have the same ring
to it) If the above statement is correct are you practically part of MQ
or is MQ practically part of you? If you really are a practical person
did you practice to be practical or were you born that way? If you guys
could dance the Fusion Dance and fuse yourselves in a more powerful
being(for the greater good of MQ of course) would you rather call
yourself Plasma Practel or Practel Charge?
Yep. I'm a pretty practical person. I
hope I'm practically part of MQ... I wouldn't want MQ to literally be
apart of my insides :P. Born that way. Also, totally Practel Charge.
Flows with Plasma Charge imo.
AustinPanzer asks: Are there any mecha designs in MQ that
you feel could be better or tweaked now that the game is nearing 5 years
in age?
I honestly can't answer that. While I
do test - I don't know every mecha in the game, but at the same time I
think that the style and the way the mecha's are created is quite
unique, and awesome as is.
Welp. I think that's going to be it for me tonight. Gibby has a poem which he wanted me to include - so here's his poem!
Thanks, Practel! And now... I actually intended to post this yesterday: Gibby Waxes Poetic!
It’s time again to check,
Inside your favourite mech,
Is planet Loreon today still at peace? It’s time you might have guessed, To visit your game Mechquest, We’ll find out soon in this week’s release.
Buy a new mech before you start,
If you want to have a space party, you have to planet.With colors that are slate of the art, here you can take nothing for granite. Make sure nothing goes wrong, With your brand new nubertron, If you are familiar with the writing style above, then you'll know that it's Gibby doing this week's DN's. If you aren't famliar with this, it's still Gibby doing the notes. As I live in the "land down under" I have to use fliptext to write this so you can read the words the right way around. OK, so I made that up. I'll be sewious now. This week's Mechquest release brings you a Jemini redesigned Nubertron as well as some new starship items. Happy Fifth Birthday Mechquest. High Five! Tags: Maegwyn Anniversary Birthday Practel Gibby |
![]() Maegwyn | October 01, 2012Happy 5th Birthday MechQuestStar Date 1 October, 3012:Can it really be 5 years ago today that we first entered the Dropship in our journey to Soluna City on Planet Loreon? Seems impossible that it could have been that long ago! And we've been traveling all over the universe since then, exploring new planets and gaining more allies against the Shadowscythe hordes that are threatening worlds everywhere! Thanks to all of you for your support, contributions, feedback, suggestions, and friendship! It's been wonderful getting to know so many of you on the forums, on facebook, on Twitter, and even in person at Dragon*Con over the years! Anniversary Mecha: This year, Jemini gave us a redesigned "Wrapped" Nubertron - it does have the Nuberizing special on the head along with tons of new specials for 3012! I heard on Twitter that one player would have liked us to show details of it being wrapped - you'll just have to imagine the bigger-than-mecha-sized Wrapping Station - and them being wrapped, as @JeffTechnoWizAQ said, "by.. uh giant hands? Robot hands?!" If you use Nova Gems, you can get one that levels with you (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50). Star Captains can merge the Newbatron with Golden Tokens for the SC models, and everyone can use Silver Tokens for the merge to the non-Star Captain credits versions. (I accidentally made the non-Star Captain merge using Golden Tokens at first but I fixed it.) For Star Captains: Minar made some new Starship Items and I updated a few myself as well with this year's date, & put a new title next to the yearbook - plus I made you a Wrapped Nubertron Action Figure. Gremlins: We got a report that everyone in the party - including the girls - has had the male hairstyle every time there's been a slumber party - which I somehow never noticed! I figured out to fix that, and I'm just working on some updates to the dialogue to reflect some of the highlights of the 3011 - 3012 season. I'll roll that out in a few minutes but I wanted to come back & finish writing you these notes first while it's still October 1st. Thanks, as always, for letting us know what needs fixing! Special Thanks to YOU! Most of all, thank you for playing MechQuest! You're the reason we work so hard to bring out updates each week! I - along with the MechQuest team - am looking forward to another great year of making new releases for you! Tags: Maegwyn MechQuest Birthday Mecha |
![]() Maegwyn | September 28, 2012Char and Wormhole TechIt's Friday, and we had an early release today! Now, for some notes to you! We'll start off with a note from Plasma Charge:Star Date: 28 September 2012 A transmission to all active mecha pilots! Char has requested your presence in Dean Warlic’s office to speak to you about wormhole technology and to offer you an experimental new weapon to aid you in the battle against the Shadowscythe. The new weapon is available for all players who have completed Lagos and all previous missions. Here’s Blues with the literally head spinning specials of the new weapon: Thank you Blues! =D Also be sure to check in with Tek on Monday because we’re having a party! This Monday MechQuest will be turning 5 years old, and to thank all you players who help support the game Tek has commissioned a special anniversary mecha, as well as some sweet Starship loot designed by the ever-amazing Minar! The annual Soluna bounty hunt has final come to an end which means Captain Rhubarb has returned to Lagos and took all his booty with him, also Tek is reporting that her stock of Imitation DragonConquest Blades is running low and will run out on Monday! So if you plan on getting this ferocious blade you have until Monday when it becomes RARE for a year - until Dragon*Con season 2013! In Gremlins news: Vivi managed to squish the gremlins in both Ghosthunter damage and the Seppy front arm crit blade. (Sepulchure Ultimate and Sepulchure of Doom) Enjoy your Shaking of Dimensions, watch out for Gremlins, I hope you have a good weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday! Plasma Charge *transmission ended* Char says that the wormhole tech may have unseen consequences. The weapons have been thoroughly tested and they appear to be working as intended, so doesn't it make you wonder what she could be talking about? Find out as the Dragonoid Saga progresses later this fall! bzzt transmission incoming from Nightwraith at Epic Duel! The Chairman Has Landed! The nefarious Chairman has landed in EpicDuel and he's come to claim Delta V for his own! To lull the populace into compliance Chairman Platinum is selling powerful Ebilcorp armors of his own deisgn. These armors have a special skill, Chairman's Fury, a one-time use, selectable skill that can be used to unleash a powerful unblockable uppercut attack that steals 25% of your opponent's rage for yourself. ![]() As if that weren't enough "ebil" at once, Dage the Evil himself has stumbled upon Delta V to share is wares with those he deems worthy. Do you have what it takes to wield one of his monstrous creations? ![]()
=ED= Spooky Head Design Contest
EpicDuel is also hosting a new art contest in the AE forums: They styles will be used for EpicDuel, but everyone is welcome to enter! All you need is an EpicDuel character name and a cool design to enter!
*transmission ended*
Hmmmm. Chairman Platinum landing in Epic Duel ... could Mr. Z have something up his sleeve here in MechQuest? This is alarming news indeed! We must not let EbilCorp
get its claws into MQ. Mr. Z and Maria13 are expert at security so as
of yet we've been unable to crack into their communications network.
We'll definitely need to be on high alert!Anyhow, I've got a big party to set up - cakes to bake for Scrap's Delight and so on. Happy 5-year anniversary - thanks for your support! Five years! Sweet! See you at the party in Tek's Basement on Monday! (I love it when the Floorivator is working!) =Maegwyn Tags: Maegwyn Char Dragonoid Saga Wormhole specials Weapons Plasma Charge Anniversary |
![]() Maegwyn | September 27, 2012Ask Anything 2Practel has some replies to your questions!Woohoo! Here are my first round of questions! hijinks asks: Hey Plasma Charge and Practel how did you come up with your usernames? What is your favorite mecha? WHY IS THE WORLD BLUE!?! Will you guys later be part of the NPCs later found in MQ like Korin, Warlic, etc.? Kidding, is there anything awesome that you two are planning to do? Are you guys ninjas? Any other awesome updates that you guys might do? :O I'm one of the few new players here, is there a mecha that I should try to get? Wow, lots of questions! Here we go, in a speed round: I actually got my username from my Xbox Live username, when I misspelled Practical. Practel stuck ;). My favorite mecha is now the revamp of the Seppy one. I love the characters, animations, and just in general it rocks. The world is a bunch of colors, blue included. So I don't know why it's just blue. I think we'll become NPC's. (psst... spam Maegwyn's PM Box on the forums to let us get em!) I don't have anything too awesome planned for MQ, untill Korin and I meet up and decide to do something awesome for Maegwyn (and the rest of MQ). Am I a ninja? Hmm, let's go with yes. I know I'll continue to do MQ DN's (I really need a DN's picture, right?) but aside from that I think that's mostly that. I totally recommend getting one of the anniversery Mecha's coming soon! forumlogin asks: Who are you? XD What do you do? :O How do you do it? Does it take a lot of time and/or effort? I'm Practel, generally silly, fun, and exciting person. I test 3 games, MQ, ED, and AQW. I'm also a forum archknight. Testing is interesting, actually. Many players assume testing is just a simple playing of releases. In fact, it is not. Sometimes we need to run a quest almost 50 times to try and fix it. One day I'll see if Maegwyn will let me write a Design Notes post of the daily testing. It defenitly takes a lot of time and effort. You need to be somewhat comitted to helping, so I invest probably a full 24-36 house in any AE activites a week. Eonaleth asks: 1. What got you two into MQ and what would you like to accomplish? 2. What are you two's ID's on MQ so I can pvp you on Assault Mecha? 3. How long have you two been playing MQ? Hmm, I got into MechQuest from my friend a while back. I remember playing around Christmas time with him for AGES, and personally what I want to accomplish is just being able to help Maegwyn and the other MQ devs as best as possible. I only have one main character, but that's a secret, sooooo I can't share it :3. This year will be my anniversary of playing the quest of Mech for 4 years! SMGS asks: What do you enjoy most in the game and why? What's the most interesting/memorable (bad or good) gremlins you've found in testing? What was the hardest bug ever to duplicate and why? I remember someone who ate bugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What is your method of choice in getting rid of gremlins? I LOVE robots, and think the aspect of having them (and being able to controll them) totally rocks. Hmm, I think the most memorable, and probably bad bug I've tried helping with in MQ was the black login screen. That is also the hardest thing to duplicate and fix haha. I generally recycle my bugs, then eat them. That wasn't supposed to make sense. SMGS also asks: Who's Practel? Where and how did BlamePractel2012 begin? I thought everyday was a holiday, what happened? Practel is a brony, and generally silly person. He's also super cool. #BlamePractel2012 began on twitter as a small things going around with my friends and I, which eventually led to other games (ED, and MQ!). Everyday is a holiday, or that's at least how I treat it! glaisaurus_x asks: WHAT ARE YOUR OPINIONS ON...Dinosaurs (and/or Aliens)? They both eat you in the end. forumlogin asks: Did you use to have a different forum name? Or were you not a forumite before? Yes, for a while I was "Holiday Practel" (since I joined the forums around holiday time) kim346 asks: Do you guys enjoy listening to music? If so, why? I do very much so enjoy listening to music. I feel there is a natural beuaty in song, and I enjoy listening to it while doing homework, playing sports, and just in general. I also like a lot of Techno, Dubstep, and Electronic. I also like anything that is really beautiful. Thiefboy109 asks: What's both of your favorite colors? You can tell a lot by someone's favorite color believe it or not. I really love green. I also like red and blue. the clan master asks: What was the first AE game you played? What is your favorite MQ planet? What Gears House did you join and why? The first AE game I played was DragonFable, and I actually don't think I have a favorite MQ planet! That needs to change. I joined RuneHawk at the time, and I was a little unawware of what was going on. As time expanded, I love what RuneHawk symbolized. Selutu asks: Where did the name Practel actually come from? What's your favorite thing about MQ? The name Practel comes from the Xbox Live Word: "Practical" in a severe spelling mistake. It's stuck ever since! My favorite thing about MQ is defenitly the robots. KABLAM BOOM POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH BOOOOOSH! blackshock asks: If you could learn a foreign language that you currently do not know how to speak, what would it be and why? In a previous life, who do you think you were? What genre of music you like? What's your favorite mecha anime? What MQ house do you peeps belong to? I'd probably learn french. It's the love language, + it just sounds cool. In my previous life eh? I think I was probably a fun and successful guy. I like techno, dubstep, and electronic specificly, but I also love any music that sounds good. I actually don't like anime D:. I belong to RuneHawk. Korin asks: - You have one meal you can eat every day for the rest of your life. What do you choose? - What movie have you seen that made you cry? - If you could steal any item from history, what would it be? - What's your favorite celestial body? Coming from google definitions a meal is classified as any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten. In that case, I would have something from all the food pyramids every day. I'll be honest, Marley and Me made me bawl my eyes out. If I could steal any item from history eh? The one that's been undiscovered, probably. Celestial body? Yeah. REIGNZERO asks: I hope we can be friends on the mechquest forums? How do I get even better at mechquest now that I have more time to play? Of course we can be friends! I look forward to seeing your posts and interacting with you more. Also, I think Plasma Charge gave a GREAT description! I’d say that the best was to improve would be to experiment with different builds against enemies difficult enemies such as the Vampire lords on Necroyptos. Xiphroid asks: How exactly do you squish a gremlin? Hammer, mallet, anvil? Why BlamePractel? (BUT you have to make up the answer!) Hmm, I'm a fan of a traditional WAR HAMMER! I just smash that hammer on them bugs and they disperse. Why BlamePractel? Well, the simple solution is why not? forumlogin asks: Why'd you decide to start working on MQ? I started to work on MechQuest because my real life great friend Maegwyn wanted some help, so I said Pracy shall help! And so it has become. I think that's going to be it for me, everyone! I'll try to keep the next DN's shorter! ~Prac Tags: Maegwyn Ask Anything Practel |
![]() Maegwyn | September 26, 2012Ask Anything 1Plasma Charge has some replies to your questions!Happy Wednesday everyone, we’re half way to Friday already! =D As I have the day off school I figured I’d take time to answer questions! So without further ado, lets begin! Hijinks asked: Hey Plasma Charge and Practel how did you come up with your usernames? What is your favorite mecha? WHY IS THE WORLD BLUE!?! Will you guys later be part of the NPCs later found in MQ like Korin, Warlic, etc.? Is there anything awesome that you two are planning to do? Are you guys ninjas? Any other awesome updates that you guys might do? :O I'm one of the few new players here, is there a mecha that I should try to get? My username is based of a character I designed about ten years ago. My favorite mecha is probably the Geekatron at the moment. Because it would be silly if it was purple! No idea, we’ll have to wait and see! Perhaps there is, but that’s be secret. I don’t like Ninjas, except for Thyton who’s awesome! =D Yep but I’m afraid I can’t talk about it ;) The anniversary mech coming out this week should be good Forumlogin asked: How come I don't see you around in the MQGD as much anymore? :P What's the least powerful mecha in your opinion? Relatively to its level, of course, which cuts the Newbatron out. I haven’t been around much lately because I unfortunately had quite a bad kidney infection recently and so I’ve mainly been sleeping through most of the day, I’m starting to get back into the swing of things so expect to see a lot more of me sooo. As for the least powerful mech, in the current meta of mechquest where tough enemies are starting to have high dodge I would say the Dharmahp because all of it’s best effects activate on the enemy. Eonaleth asked: 1. What got you two into MQ and what would you like to accomplish? 2. What are you two's ID's on MQ so I can pvp you on Assault Mecha? 3. How long have you two been playing MQ? 1. Funnily it was the old AQ server cap that led me to discover MQ and then slowly I stopped playing AQ and MQ became my default game, what I’d like to accomplish is to help the game be awesome! 2. My main id 5000709, most of the mechs I’ll save will be just aesthetically pleasing rather than powerful. =) 3. My account was made four years ago, but I’d say I really started around the AvP war. In Media Res asked: It is a good idea or not, good milk, stir to blend, then add the milk? In addition, the weapon in the right? Rope. All tease them? The Brazilian people? Romney, the leader of the future as well? Honey, when you think about it? (D) is sugar cane grown? 15-20, please me/you know how to use the kitchen. Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola), Brazil enjoyed good food hot sale feared Romney honey. A member of the secret society, but they do not collapse. SMGS asked: What do you enjoy most in the game and why? What's the most interesting/memorable (bad or good) gremlins you've found in testing? What was the hardest bug ever to duplicate and why? I remember someone who ate bugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What is your method of choice in getting rid of gremlins? Do you charge batteries? If not, what do you charge other than Plasma? My favorite part of MQ would be the mecha desgins. The best Gremlin I can remember would have been the “my little Paladin” glitch from Romero, it’s in one of the past DNs if you’d like to see. The hardest bug to duplicate would probably be the Lagos war blackscreen that we fixed a while back. Favorite way to get rid of Gremlins would be squishing them into a pulp and then selling that to Mecharoini to be used as pizza bases! =D No I don’t charge batteries, my job is to power the clock in east Soluna as you can see I’m doing quite well! Glaisaurus X asked: WHAT ARE YOUR OPINIONS ON...Dinosaurs (and/or Aliens)? Aliens are ok, but Dinosaurs are awesome, especially robot dinosaurs! Kim 346 asked: Do you guys enjoy listening to music? If so, why? Yep, I find it’s great for relaxing and can also be good for long farming runs Theifboy109 asked: So, what's both of your favorite colors? You can tell a lot by someone's favorite color believe it or not. My favorite color would be blue! The Clan Master asked: What was the first AE game you played? What is your favorite MQ planet? What Gears House did you join and why? AQ was the first AE game I played then I played DF and MQ. My favorite planet is Romero, I really enjoyed the transforming starship concept. I am in Runehawk house, and I’m currently on the house council. Selutu asked: Where have you gone? >.> Like I told forumlogin I’m currently recovering from a bad Kidney infection, expect to see more of me from now on =) (Dr.) blackshock asked: If you could learn a foreign language that you currently do not know how to speak, what would it be and why? In a previous life, who do you think you were? What genre of music you like? What's your favorite mecha anime? What MQ house do you peeps belong to? I already speak English, Irish and French I think I’d like to learn Japanese next. A frog. I don’t really have any favorite genre of music. Code Geass at the moment. As I said earlier I belong to Runehawk house. Korin asked: - You have one meal you can eat every day for the rest of your life. What do you choose? - What movie have you seen that made you cry? - If you could steal any item from history, what would it be? - What's your favorite celestial body? -I would eat a twenty course meal! =P That or Pizza, because it’s Awesome! -Toy Story 3 made me cry, the end’s so sad :’( -I’d steal the last Rolo. -The red super giant Beetlejuice would be my favorite. REIGNZERO asked: How do I get even better at mechquest now that I have more time to play? Welcom to the GD Reignzero! I’d say that the best was to improve would be to experiment with different builds against enemies difficult enemies such as the Vampire lords on Necroyptos. If you’ve made it this far congrats! Feel free to ask me moar questions, watch out for gremlins, and I’ll see you guys on the forums! Battleon! ~Plasma Charge Awesome - thanks a lot! Gibby wanted to add a few words as well: It’s time again to check, Inside your favourite mech, Is planet Loreon today still at peace? It’s time you might have guessed, To visit your game Mechquest, We’ll find out soon in this week’s release. Ha, very cool! I hear that Practel is working on some answers as well, so stay tuned for that another time soon. If you have questions, just click the link above to get to the forum thread and ask away! =Mae Tags: Maegwyn Ask Anything Plasma Charge Gibby |
![]() Maegwyn | September 25, 2012MQ Anniversary and Ask AnythingStar Date 25 September 3012:Incoming transmission: Practel
Howdy doodley, MechQuesters!
October is a VERY exciting month for Artix Entertainment. Some of you may know this already, but October 1st will be MechQuest's
5th year anniversary - and AE's 10th year anniversary is also this
October! This anniversary in MechQuest will bring the return of previous
anniversary events, along with a very special re-coloring of an
anniversary Mecha, thanks to Jemini! To top it all off with a cherry on top, Minar will be making a bunch of new Anniversary Starship items, so look forward to that too!
There may be a few other tricks in store for you guys, but we'll just have to wait and see!
For those of you who are long time players, you may remember when Korin did an "Ask Me Anything." Well, since Plasma Charge
and I are relatively new to the community (we've been testers for
several months, just new to the whole DN's thing) we decided to do one
of those, except for that it will focus on US! All you have to do is
register on the AE forums, and then post a question for either of us in this thread here:
When questions come in, we will make a bunch of Design Notes answering these questions!
Well, that's it for me this week,
everybody! I can't believe it's been 5 years already - time really flies
when you're having fun.
Thanks, Practel! Time really DOES fly when you're
having fun. I can hardly believe this is our FIFTH Anniversary! It's
been a ton of fun working on MQ for all these years. Huge thanks to all
of you for playing - we appreciate all your input and on behalf of the
entire MQ team I'd like to thank all of you for helping to make
MechQuest what it is today! And now I'll get back to work. =MaegwynTags: Maegwyn Practel Plasma Charge Anniversary |
![]() Maegwyn | September 21, 2012Eidolon Revival SpecialsStar Date: 21st September 3012Phantasmal DOOM, Eidolon mecha revival! Once again doom strikes Soluna City... the Hunter Eidolon mecha series has been by far one of the most interesting series in the game. So I was really excited to see these new buffs designed by Blues, they increase the efficiency of the mecha against both ghost and normal enemies! Here’s Vivi with the new specials: FA: Deals 150% damage +30% damage on ghosts Applies an effect that drains EP (they lose, you gain) equal to Level/2 rounded down that lasts 4 turns Chance for a 1.5x EP DOT BA: Deals 150% damage +10% damage on ghosts Captures weakened ghosts If the enemy is not captured, chance to lower bonus by 40 for 3 turns and the enemy loses 15% of their max EP Shoulders: Deals 150% damage First use of the shoulders gives the enemy the Psionic Link effect (which does nothing). The second use replaces Psionic Link with an Energy Drain effect. Each turn the enemy loses 75% of their EP Regen and you gain it. Head: Deals 150% damage High crit chance on ghosts Against ghosts, gives +40 boost for 5 turns Body: Deals 150% damage If you have any ghosts captured, consumes 1 ghost and heals 40% of your max HP and 20% of your max EP Thanks Vivi, not only have these new specials been added but also the mecha is now color customizable! Hope you guys enjoy the release, watch out for scurvy gremlins, and I leave you with doom pirates! ![]()
Thanks, Plasma Charge! Maegwyn here. I just wanted to add a quick thing:
Happy Birthday, Warlic!
From all of us on the MechQuest team!
Thank you to all of you for playing MechQuest! We're working on a lot more exciting new content for the upcoming weeks. I just got off the phone with Arklen
a few minutes ago & he says hi as well! Have a most-excellent
weekend, and please remember to tell all your friends about MQ! =Mae
Tags: Maegwyn specials Plasma Charge Vivi Warlic Eidolon |
![]() Maegwyn | September 20, 2012Sneak Peek of Eidolon RevivalStar Date: September 20, 3012Practel & I were hanging around on MSN - I had just been double-checking Vivi's setup for the revival of Eidolon - no more NaN so we're ready for tomorrow - and he asked if he could give you guys a quick sneak peek. Well, of course! So with no further ado - here's Practel!
Heya Questers!
Just thought that a random, 10:43 at night Design Notes post would be awesome to have. This friday we will be having a fully revamped Hunter Eidolon! Check out the screen shot below, I should probably hit the ZzzZzzzz... ![]() Battle On-zzzZzzzZz Tags: Maegwyn Practel Revival Mecha Eidolon |
![]() Maegwyn | September 19, 2012TLaPD 3012Arrrr, me mateys! I'll catch up with ye scurvy dogs (just kiddin' there hearties) on the forums and will try to get me poxy pate on twitter later! Bit busy a'countin' men on a dead man's chest ... Plasma Charge has a few words for ye meantime!Star Date: 19th o’ September 3012 TLaPD 3012 Boneyface and return of Swashbuckler! Ahoy me ‘arties! T’day Captain Rhubarb himself will land in Soluna City with a NEW limited-time haul o’Boneyface Heads! These heads were recolored by Jemini and then animated with a NEW attack by Korin. Maegwyn also added some new "trashtalkin'" to the dialogue. They’re offered in all flavours (NSC, SC ,NG) and will leave even the best captains jumping at a chance to get one. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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